Contact us

Inquiry by phone/fax[ Reception hours: 8am to 10pm ]

  • Rakuchu Yuan Kaden +81 (0)75-212-7000

    Ryoan Kagetsu +81 (0)75-212-7100

  • FAX: Facility-wide number +81 (0)75-251-0501

Contact us

Ryoan Kagetsu group will handle all personal information according to the law and oridinances

問い合わせ先 旅庵 花月洛中悠庵 花伝花月グループ
お名前 (必須)
メールアドレス (必須)

Introducing the KADEN Suite rooms

A relaxing moment following the heart of traditional tea ceremony. We welcome you with the omotenashi heart to take a deep breath and step aside from the busy modern days.

A relaxing moment following the heart of traditional tea ceremony. We welcome you with the omotenashi heart to take a deep breath and step aside from the busy modern days.
